Friday, 21 March 2014

Going Undercover

Beginning this blog was a very big decision and so I have decided to see it firstly as my undertaking for Lent.

Quakers have a testimony about truth and openness so it is possible you may feel I should be open, making my identity known, trusting the Spirit to help me. Perhaps I should explain.
To me being a personality could be a distraction from what I am trying to say. I wish to focus upon the truth as I see it and am not so brave as to be able to carry my opinions publicly and often with everyone I meet. At times I am stopped in my tracks through writer's block, do not possess the confidence perhaps that I should and it would be a disappointment to encounter a discussion group each time I attend my local Meeting for Worship.
At times I will express concern about the Society of Friends, our priorities, the way we act, communicate our beliefs and our contribution to the world. We do not get things right all the time, and although there is some difference between us and other religious groups, I believe all religions are designed to make us better at being human.

For me discovering an opportunity to write secretly was like finding some item of clothing in an old suitcase at the start of a new season. Then quite unexpectedly it fits you. You travel lighter when it is no longer necessary to worry about who you are. Since beauty rests in the eye of the beholder, I shall do my best to communicate the truth as I see it, then leave it up to the reader to decide whether or it speaks to their condition, fulfils a need or even qualifies as fashion !

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for explaining your desire to be anonymous, given how counter to Quakerism that is. ...I wonder what spiritual fruit that anonymity will bear in time.

    Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up
